Buku ini berjudul The Anthropology of Music, Karya Alan p. Merriam
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This book is the result of some fifteen years of thinking and of discussion with colleagues and students in the fields of cultural anthropology and ethnomusicology, two disciplines whose boundary lines are not always clear and perhaps should not be. Of anthropology little need be said by way of explanation, for its content is reasonably clear and its objectives at least moderately well-defined. Such is not the case, however, with ethnomusicology which has undergone a remarkable efflorescence in the past decade during which younger scholars, particularly in the United States, have subjected it to renewed and intensive examination. As so frequently occurs, the resulting discussion has served to blur some of the simple pre-existing concepts delimiting the field, and it is no longer easy to say precisely where it begins and ends, what its purposes are, what kinds of materials it handles or how it is to handle them. One point, however, has clearly re-emerged, and this is that ethnomusicology is approachable from two directions, the anthropological and the musicological. Given these two possibilities, it is equally clear that since we are all human, anthropologists approaching ethnomusicology tend to stress anthropological aspects, and musicologists, the musicological aspects. Both groups agree, however, that the ultimate objective is the fusion of the two taken as an ideal inevitably modified by practical reality.
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